Monday, October 18, 2010

no more

Last night my man cub asked me to stop posting Brodie Quote of The Day. I told him okay. I double checked with him this morning to make sure he is serious. He is. It is no longer fun for him to have people comment about his quotes. I respect his request. My eldest makes funny comments all the time as well but I do not post those as she asked me not to. I will continue to jot his jokes down for his own enjoyment later in his life, but I will no longer post them for the world. It was fun while it lasted. : ) For those of you who see Brodie on a regular basis, I ask that you also respect his decision and do not mention it to him or try to change his mind. Thanks. (Of course those of you who see him on a regular basis will continue to hear his jokes and general view of the world live and in person)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

goodnight sister

Brodie: Say goodnight sister.

Katherine: Goodnight sister.

Brodie: Hahahahaha. That cracks me up!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

root beer float

My daughter was having a root beer float for dessert. Brodie said, "Mommy, I don't like real root beer flutes." I replied, "You don't like root beer floats?" Brodie answered, "No. They taste jangely." I asked, "Jangely?" He said, "Yes. Like bubbly."

Friday, October 15, 2010

breakfast cereal

While picking up a few items at the market, Brodie and I ended up on an aisle with breakfast cereal. Today many of the cereal boxes had fun characters on them - promoting movies coming out, etc. Brodie asked for a cereal with such a character on it. It was one I may have bought if our pantry was not currently well stocked with breakfast cereal. I explained to him why I wouldn't get that cereal today. As we walked down the aisle he saw another of his favorite characters on a cereal box and said we should get it. When I saw that cereal I explained I would never buy that cereal for him because it was not healthy. We continued our way down the aisle and Brodie saw yet another cereal box with a beloved character on it. He said we should get this box of cereal. I looked and saw that it also fell under the category of never because it is not healthy and told Brodie so. To this he exclaimed, "But chocolate is healthy!"

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

what are you doing?

While both kids and I were getting in the car, Brodie was shuffling his feet and taking weird steps. We didn't have time to waste so I said, "C'mon. Let's go. What are you doing?" Brodie continued this odd walk and stated in a stiff voice, "I. Am. A. Ro. Bot." Ah. Of course.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

tinker toys

"Mommy, I am tired. I am so tired. A person cannot put Tinker Toys away if they are tired."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

long neck

Brodie and I were rocking in the glider before his nap. He wanted to lay his head on my shoulder a certain way but it wasn't working. He told me that he has grown and his neck was too long. Then he asked if my neck was long. I told him to look at it and tell me. He pointed at my neck and counted, "One. Two. Three. Four. Five miles!"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

sidewalk chalk

Our family was visiting with the kids' GodMother. She had a new bucket of sidewalk chalk for them to play with. The kids began drawing on her back patio. Brodie took the white chalk and began scribbling. His GodMother asked him what he was drawing. He answered, "Bird poop."

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

know it all

While in the car Brodie pointed to a new building in our area and told me to look. I told him what the building is. He promptly responded, "I know that." I smiled to myself at his self assured answer, thinking he knows it all already. I replied, "You know a lot." Brodie then shocked me by saying, "I know a little. You know it all."

Monday, September 27, 2010


Listening to Air1 this morning in the car. A segment from Luis Palau aired. Luis was talking about Christmas not being about lights and greeting cards, but about Jesus Christ. Brodie happily shouted, "That's our Jesus!"

Sunday, September 26, 2010

don't worry

I was reminding Brodie of some proper behaviors before we left the house. He interrupted me to say, "I got is ALL under control. Okay?"

Friday, September 24, 2010

lil rascal

Brodie looked me in the eye as he put on his baseball cap, kept eye contact as he twisted the bill over to the side. He then told me in a serious tone, "Do not call me Spanky".

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


On our way out of a store I pushed Brodie in the shopping cart over those annoying yellow bumps. He let out a, "Ahhhh" while he went over. Then he said, "Why does it make you baaaaa like a sheep?"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

car seats

This morning in the car the kids and I were talking about laws concerning car seats. I explained that it is breaking the law to not have a child in the proper car seat or booster and if I got pulled over for some other reason I would not only get a ticket for that violation, I'd get a ticket about the car seat too. Brodie asked, "Would you be in a heap of trouble?" I told him that yes I would.

Friday, September 17, 2010

scream like a girl

Brodie and I were hanging out at home. He comes into the room I was sorting laundry in and starts screaming a funny high pitched scream. Then he tells me, "I scream like a girl, huh, Mommy?" I kinda laugh not sure where he is going with this and tell him, "Uh, if you want to." He screams the same odd way and adds, "I want my mommy!" I asked if I heard him correctly. He starts lauging and tells me, "I was just being silly."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

put your shoes on

This morning I asked Brodie to go put his shoes on. He dropped his Tinker Toys and obediently ran to his room to fulfill my request. A few minutes later he found me in my room to show me he had his shoes on. He had his flip flops on his feet, and a sock and shoe on each hand as well. When I saw what he had done I started laughing. He smiled and laughed as he asked, "Don'tcha like it?"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Brodie usually has water at bedtime. He often gargles that water and is told to stop before he makes a mess. Last night was no different. Katherine was reading Encyclopedia Brown to us. Brodie is drinking his water, (gargle gargle gargle). I tell Brodie to stop and he does. (gulp) So I ask, "Are you allowed to do that?" Brodie responds, "No." (sip - gargle gargle gargle) I do my best mommy poker face as I force myself to neither laugh nor smile and then calmly ask, "Then why are you doing it again?" Brodie simply said, "(gulp) I don't know."

Monday, September 13, 2010

green suede shoes

Green is Brodie's favorite color. He has green suede Vans right now. He wore a green polo shirt and his green Vans yesterday to church. Someone complimented his shoes. He stuck one foot out in front of the other and responded, "Fancy, huh?"

Sunday, September 12, 2010

okie doke

Jon told me he was going to take Art Vandelay on a quick walk. He has french onion soup on the stove so I asked if there was anything I needed to tend to while he was gone. He said I may need to stir it. I told him, "Okie doke". Brodie asked, "Why does he have a doke?"

Saturday, September 11, 2010

chocolate hot dogs

While sitting on a bench in Oak Glen, waiting for Jon to catch up with us so we could pick berries, Brodie turns to me and asks, "Are there chocolate hotdogs in real life?". I told him no. He replied, "Why not?"

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I don't normally have to deal with our new dog in the morning while trying to get my daughter off to school. This morning I did. Twice. I was not a happy pet owner. After I came back into the house the second time, obviously frustrated, Brodie tells me, "He'll get older soon Mommy. It's okay. It's okay." I ask, "You mean becuase he'll behave better once he gets older?" Brodie replies, "Yes. It's okay. It's okay."

Saturday, September 4, 2010

action figure

Katherine and her friend were playing with some Barbie type dolls. Brodie wanted to join in so he hit one of the dolls in the stomach with his driver from one of his race cars. (not very hard and not with malice, just the way a toddler boy would use dolls) Katherine asked him to stop, so he did it again. I sent him to time-out. After his short time-out I told him it was not okay to take his doll and hit Katherine's doll. He immediately corrected, "I don't have a doll." I rephrased, "You may not take your action figure and hit Katherine's doll with it." To which he replied, "Alright."

Friday, September 3, 2010

grocery store

After dropping Katherine off at school Brodie asked if we were going straight home.

Me: No, we need to go to the grocery store.

Brodie: Aww. I don't WANT to go to the store.

Me: We need to buy food.

Brodie: I want to go home.

Me: Our family needs food. We need to go buy food for our family.

Brodie: I'm not hungry.

Me: hahahahahahahahahaha

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Little Boy Jesus"

Reading to the kids at bedtime. Brodie chose a book titled Little Boy Jesus. There is a verse on the last page. Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Brodie remarked, "You can say that again."

Sunday, August 29, 2010

bounce house

We were at a birthday party yesterday which had a bounce house. The way this one was set up, Brodie needed a little help into it. Once he was in I stuck around because I knew I'd need to help him out of it too. I stood on the side to watch so I could enjoy him having fun. To my surprise he bounced right over to me and said, "I love you Mommy." Then he wrapped his fingers through the netting, puckered up his lips and fit them through the netting so he could kiss me.

Friday, August 27, 2010

spelling lesson

While grocery shopping Brodie whispered VERY quietly and seriously into my ear, "What does poop start with?" I answered, "P." Then he whispered VERY quietly and seriously into my ear, "What does pee start with?" I answered, "P, it starts with the letter P." Then he whispered VERY quietly and seriously into my ear, "What does toot start with?" I answered, "T." He seemed satisfied with his new level of knowledge and began talking about something else.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

milk moustache

Brodie had a milk moustache so I asked him to use his napkin to wipe his face. Instead he tried to lick the milk away like he was cleaning a windshield and said, "My tongue is a good wiper, huh?"

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

shaken, not stirred please

While waiting in 101 degree heat for Katherine to get out of school, Brodie says, "Everyone loves cocktails." (We got interrupted so I couldn't ask him what he really meant.)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Yoo Wha Wha

Brodie was watching TV. He came running into my bedroom and said, "Mommy! There was a guy who said 'Yoo Wha Wha.' I can't say the Spanish. You should have seen it!"

Friday, August 20, 2010

time to pick up

Brodie's bedroom floor was covered in toys. I told him it was time to pick up and that I would help him. Brodie said, "You should pick it up yourself." I laughed and told him I would help him, but he was going to pick up too. I got down on the floor and started. He just watched me so I added a whiney, "Don't you love me?" Brodie came over, gave me a hug, and patted my back gently. He told me in his most soothing, loving, and comforting voice, "It's okay mommy. You can pick it up yourself."

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

no fish?

While in the waiting room at the dentist's office Brodie was playing happily with the toys provided. After being there about 10 minutes he asks, "Why are there no fish here?" This made no sense to me so I repeated it back to him to make sure I had understood what he said. Then it came to my mind he meant fish in an aquarium. I said, "Oh, you mean like in Finding Nemo?" Brodie said, "Ya." I explained everyone decorated differently. He responded, "Oh."

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

mean bird

This morning I was sweeping my front porch. I realized I had a little pile of bird droppings which needed more than a broom to get rid off. Brodie came out to see what I was doing with water. I explained the bird poo poo and he said, "That bird is mean for doing that. It should go somewhere else... (five second pause, and then in a whisper) ...where they like bird poo poo."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

happy face

I was unbuckling Brodie's car seat so we were eye to eye. I told him I was proud of him for how he acted at his friend's house. He smiled at me and whispered, "Happy face. Woot. Woot."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

summer beard

If you have seen Jon recently you know that he has not trimmed his beard all summer. He had to trim it up to return to work and decided to completely shave it off. He did this after the kids went to bed. He left for work the next morning before the kids were up. When Jon got home, he came in through the front door (which we RARELY use). Jon greeted us with hugs and kisses as always. Brodie could not take his eyes off Jon and had a blank look on his face. About five minutes after Jon got home Brodie said, "You SOUND like Daddy."

Monday, August 9, 2010


At bedtime Katherine complained that Brodie was poking her. Brodie quickly complained that Katherine had pulled his pinkie finger. I said, "No poking, no pulling fingers, be quiet." Then I tried to go back to singing. Brodie interrupted with, "ONE - I was not poking her. ONE - She pulled my finger. ONE - She hurt me." Katherine and I started giggling. Brodie joined in. We quieted down and I started singing again.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

i will rescue you

While at the dinner table, Brodie announces, "Mommy, if a bad guy takes you I will rescue you." Not sure I heard him right I repeated what he said as a question. He answered, "Yes. (with hesitation and a glance in Jon's direction) With Daddy because I couldn't do it by myself."

Thursday, August 5, 2010

does school start tomorrow?

At the end of last school year my friend, Mrs. Bauder, and her two young boys were so sweet to help me encourage Brodie in his potty training. When he had a successful day they would lend him one of their stuffed animals. Of course Brodie loved this and also loves my friend. We've seen Mrs. Bauder this summer several times and Brodie is always so happy to see her. Yesterday Brodie asked (again) if school is starting tomorrow. I explained (again) when school starts. He was very happy to hear that is starts soon. I laughed and said, "You are happy because you will get to see Mrs. Bauder everyday, huh?" Brodie answered, "Yes, and so she can give me the stuffed animals I deserve." I was surprised by this and responded, "That you deserve?" Of course he answered, "Yes!" I laughed and stooped down to give him a hug. He pushed away (which was unusual). I let him go and he crossed his arms, slanted across his chest and said, "WORD."

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

keep talkin' mommy

While in the car I was answering a question for Katherine. Brodie interrupts my explanation to tell me, "You have a cute voice." Katherine added, "I've always thought that, I just never told you."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

pucker up

While watching a Peanuts video, we see Lucy struggling to get a kiss from Schroeder. Brodie turns to me and puckers up so I give him a kiss. Brodie then announces, "THAT'S how you kiss."

Monday, August 2, 2010


A small sampling of what Brodie has asked me in the last 24 hours:

Why is the sky blue?

Why do we need air to talk, why can't we just open and shut our mouth?

Where is air?

Why do we breathe air?

Why do we need ears to hear?

Why do we need eyes to see?

Why do we need food to grow?

Why do dogs walk?

Why do dogs get bored and sniff around?

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Brodie has been saying this so much lately that I believe it is his personal motto: "I want to be the man to eat the competition."

Friday, July 30, 2010


While running on the sidewalk, Brodie caught his toe and took a tumble. He caught himself well and just scuffed up his knee a little - no blood. When he got up he looked back and with fierce accusation he demanded, "WHO DID THAT TO ME?!?"

Thursday, July 29, 2010

love you

While rocking Brodie before his naptime he tells me, "I love you more than a pickle has wisdom."

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

what if?

Jon, Katherine and I were talking in the kitchen. Brodie walks in and interrupts us by asking, "What if two girls fight over me?"

Monday, July 26, 2010

do you mind?

While rocking with me a little before getting in bed for the night, Brodie sits up, looks up at me and says sweetly, "Do you mind if I TICKLE you?" and promplty begins tickling me without waiting for my answer.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

meet my doggie

As Brodie was introducing our new family pet to a friend he explained, "He got his neuter. That means he's glued together."

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Brodie was putting a sticker in his sticker book and told me, "I want a sticker on." (He wanted to put one on his arm.) I answered, "No. It's bed time." He replied, "OOOooohhhhhh because you don't love mmeeee."

Friday, July 23, 2010

Harriet the Spy

While watching Harriet the Spy with the kids for the first time, Brodie asks what her name is. I answer, "Harriet, her name is Harriet." He gives me a crazy look and says, "That's not a NAME!"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

new family dog

While Brodie and Jon were petting our new family dog, Brodie looks up at Jon and says, "He needs love."

Monday, July 19, 2010


Jon: Come give me a hug.
Brodie: I'm busy doing things.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

mowing the lawn

While standing at the closed sliding glass door watching Jon mow the lawn - "You are doing that great Daddy!"

Saturday, July 17, 2010

let's play fight

Jon and the kids play fight. Our California King is their wrestling mat. Jon playfully tosses them around. The kids actually pound him. During one of their matches I hear Jon say, "No biting!" Brodie calmly answered, "I'm not biting. I'm scratching you with my teeth."

Friday, July 16, 2010


Leaving Knott's Berry Farm at 10:30pm, Jon asks, "What was your favorite part?" After a long pause Brodie responds, "It's a secret."

Thursday, July 15, 2010

tooth fairy

"Is the tooth fairy real on this planet?"

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Brodie: How many more weeks do I need to grow up?
Me: Til what?

Brodie: Til I can drive!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Brodie: Why were Grammy & Grandpa here?
Me: To watch you while Mommy & Daddy were out.
Brodie: I can take care of myself.

Me: What would you do for dinner?
Brodie: I'd need help.
Me: Yeah, that's why they were here.

Brodie: Oh.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Brodie was in my lap at church. He does not usually do this, but he started running his fingers through my hair. Then he put his hand to his hair and whispered, "Mine does not go down like yours." I whispered, "Right. Yours is short like Daddy's." Then Brodie whispered, "Your hair is big." I nodded. Then Brodie whispered, "Mr. Saiz's hair is plain." I nodded and whispered, "Yes. He shaves his head."

Saturday, July 10, 2010

homemade cupcakes

Jon made cupcakes and frosting from scratch. Brodie took one bite, he face lit up and said, "Now THIS is yummy."

Friday, July 9, 2010

am i right?

Jon was working in the kitchen, Brodie walks up to him and says,"Daddy. Daddy. Poop stinks, huh?"

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

never mind

After going potty Brodie asked me, "What would happen if I put my shorts in there?" I explained they wouldn't flush away and what would happen instead. I also explained what his punishment would be. He answered, "Oh. I won't do that then."

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Brodie picked up a Kix from the floor. As I asked him to put it in the trash, he popped it into his mouth. He asked, "Am I gross?" I answered, "Yes." He responded, "Thanks."

Monday, July 5, 2010

new shirt

I was getting Brodie dressed. I helped him into a new T-shirt that has a monster truck on it. He loves this shirt and started dancing around because he was happy to wear it. I went in the closet to get his shoes, came back out and he had started dancing happily through the house. I called him back to his room to get his shoes on. He ran back to his room and said, "I got carried away."

Sunday, July 4, 2010

slow driver

All four of us were in the car and Jon complained that the driver ahead of us was driving too slow. Katherine asked, "Where are they going?" Jon answered, "To hell in a hand basket." Brodie then said, "That is a long way off."

Saturday, July 3, 2010


While eating pizza with black olives on top:
"Will you take these tire things off for me?"

Friday, July 2, 2010

♪ ♫ ♪

"Mommy, I have songs dancing in my head."

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

big sis helping out

This is what Brodie told me while his 8yr old sister latched the straps on his carseat this morning:
"She can do this because she's not a kid anymore."

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


As he was getting into bed:
"Do we have a big day tomorrow?"

Monday, June 28, 2010

bare hands

"You are a good killer. You are a good sister because you kill bugs with your bare hand. Do you have two bare hands?"

Saturday, June 26, 2010

daddy's potty humor

Brodie and I were in the bathroom. His dad calls from the other room, "Don't fall in". Brodie looks up at me with eyes rolled and says:
"He's craaazzzzyyyy."

Friday, June 25, 2010

wishing well

We raced pennies at the mall, like we've done before. This time we pointed out the sign that said it was a wishing well coin race. My friend told the kids to make a wish as they let their penny drop. Brodie threw his arms around my leg, looked up at me and said:
"I wish I will love you forever."

Thursday, June 24, 2010


After discussing what he would have for dessert, he said with a grin:
"Cotton candy ice cream! I'm exploding!"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


We are sitting on the couch side by side reading a book. He takes my chin and turns my head to be nose to nose with him and whispers sweetly:
"You'll always be mine."

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

time to pray

Brodie grabbed a cucumber slice right as I placed the dinner plate down in front of him. I asked him to put it down so we could pray to thank God for our food. His response:
"But it has Ranch on it!"

Monday, June 21, 2010


While getting ready for bed - Brodie hugs me and says softly:
"I should love you everyday. Awwwww, that's sweet."

Saturday, June 19, 2010

where are you going?

"Where are you going?"
"You look like you are dressed up to go to LegoLand."

Friday, June 18, 2010

good morning

While shopping, we were greeted with a warm "Good morning" from an employee. I said good morning in response and Brodie chimed in with:

She smiled and chuckled.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


After going potty:
"Can I have an M&M?"
"That's candy you know."

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


"Am I growing?"
"Good. I like to grow. I want to get big."
"To drive a car!"

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

what time is it?

While eating lunch at Mickey D's, wearing the watch he just got out of the Happy Meal and sitting in the play area. He points to the new watch and says:
"This says its time to play."

Monday, June 14, 2010

show me

I asked Brodie to put together a puzzle and put it away. He replied:
"I can't. You show me. You show me with love."

Sunday, June 13, 2010


After not really understanding what someone was trying to say to him:
"You're just speaking Spanish!"

Saturday, June 12, 2010

in the way

While shopping, Brodie told these ladies to get out of the way. Ugh. I actually don't think they heard him. I told him to ask people nicely to move by saying pardon me. So he then said to them loudly:

"Pardon me, baby."

Friday, June 11, 2010

a toddler inventor

While in his carseat after dropping a toy onto the floor of the car:
"I wish I had magnet shoes so I could pick that up."

Thursday, June 10, 2010

apple slices

"Can I have an apple?"

"You're the best Mommy in town!"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

ice cream

I told Brodie I would do what he wanted after I was done with my ice cream. He said I could just do what he wanted now because:

"It will turn into soup. You can eat it like soup. Its good like soup."

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


My husband gave Brodie and then me a kiss good-bye. After he was gone, Brodie came over and said:
"Let me give you Daddy's kiss."

I asked if he meant the kiss Daddy just gave him and he said yes, smiled big, and gave me the kiss.

Monday, June 7, 2010

potty training

While on our way to meet a family friend:
"Can I show her the car I pooped for?"

Sunday, June 6, 2010

some fresh air

While playing with a tube from his TinkerToy set, he asks me:
"Would you like some fresh air in your ear?"

Saturday, June 5, 2010

clean hands

After playing outside Brodie went straight to the bathroom to wash his hands by himself. I was proud of him. He came out of the bathroom with his shirt splashed with water. I said, "Oh my goodness." He replied:

"Yeah. Baaaad luuuuuck."

Friday, June 4, 2010

Eat Your Dinner

While eating my dinner at the table next to Brodie, he leans over to look in my bowl. He sees I'm just about done and says:
"You get dessert."

Thursday, June 3, 2010


After stubbing his pinkie toe...
"I really need a Band-Aid. Trust me."

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

not literally

Hi all,
I've been sharing Brodie Quote of The Day on my facebook status for the last few months. This is where I'll be posting them from now on. You won't have to read through my other status updates, etc to find the latest Brodie Quote.

While hanging out at home...
"Mommy, you’re so cute. I could just eat you up. Not literally. You know what I mean. "

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


While putting on his shoes:
"Look at me, I'm a rockstar!"